Prof. Petros P. Groumpos,
Emeritus Professor of the University of Patras
January 2021

The question “What kind of world will our children live in?” is the main question which should concern our planet through time, (in addition to the temporary problem of COVID-19 that plagues today's society) and it is more relevant today, than ever, in the Balkans and the wider Mediterranean region.
Leon Tolstoy’s, the Russian Author’s work of epic proportions “War and Peace” describes in great detail the events that took place due to the French invasion in Russia, while also describing the impact of the Napoleonic era on Russian society. Large parts of this work, especially the last chapters, are a philosophical discussion and not a narrative. All very relevant in our times.
One of the fundamental questions that has plagued mankind for millennia has been, and continues to be, the purpose of human existence on this planet. This question is more relevant today than ever. Many studies, over the centuries, have explored the existence of purpose in the world around us but also the need to create a moral, a way of life with reference to our behavior towards "others", the living and non-living planet.

  • But what is the role of wars in all this? Certainly, the results of every war are catastrophic for all involved, although Heraclitus tells us "War is the father of all, the king of all, making some gods and others human, some slaves and setting others free." But today the world is different and people do not want gods, kings, sultans, dictators, charming but misleading politicians, slaves, police states etc. A new world is needed based on the new, real and crucial data of today. We should probably forget about fairy tales.
  • Once upon a time, wars were  fought for fun and profit. When the Greeks conquered Troy for the beautiful eyes of  Helen, or when Spain conquered Peru, the motive was gold and silver. This is still happening today. Various civil wars (especially common in "the poor parts of the world") take place where there are resources that can be stolen, such as diamonds. Other civil wars are based on "ideologies". Many revolutions have taken place for the same reason. More than a century has passed since the beginning of World War I which, many then, called "the war that would put an end to all wars." And yet the catastrophic World War II followed.

Today however, if you happen to be a modern, civilized and prosperous state, a war (even one that can be easily won) does not yield. This has been the case for a long time. In an interdependent world, a war will cause significant financial damage even to the winner. In addition, modern warfare is very, very expensive. For example, the final cost of the Iraq war, including the cost of caring for veterans, will exceed $1.4 trillion. Therefore, those who say that modern states cannot become rich by making war are indeed right.
However, wars are still going on. Why? It seems that the right opportunity has come to ask “why”. Or rather, why not look for the reasons why peace is the best and most appropriate solution for creating a permanent and peaceful world?
In a peaceful world:

  • - everyone is treated equally regardless of their gender, race, sexual orientation, religion or disability
  • - poverty is eradicated and time and resources are devoted to reaching literacy levels as close to 100% as possible
  • - social consciousness exists, as are the defense of the weak under any power, the support of minorities, resistance to the attack against labor and human rights  
  • - we should ALL choose to live peacefully individually and for the good of ALL in the long run.
  • - nation-states respect the rules of international law and cease to disturb others, who wish a peaceful coexistence of  People-Nations.
  • In order to accomplish all of these, we must live from the purest state within ourselves, allowing ourselves to see the good in each other and to care for each other in a reciprocal relationship of brothers and sisters that we are. It takes a lot of work from many people to put “WE” above “ME”, “PROFIT” over “HUMAN”.

In a peaceful world there will be no wars and hostilities between states or "groups". Thus, there will be no refugees either! There will be no need for military equipment. All resources will be available for peaceful purposes and for health and education projects, research and innovation for the advancement of science and technology for the benefit of society. Above all, "humanity" will put into practice Plato's famous saying: "Every science, when separated from justice and the rest of virtues, becomes cunning and not wisdom" (Plato, “Menexenos” 347a).
So, instead of the nations, creating drones for military operations (recently Turkey used drones to kill civilians in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict - Armenia) they could use them for peaceful purposes (agriculture, environment, transport, aid to the disabled, etc.). Likewise, Greece and Turkey would not spend billions of Euros for armaments but for the development of "technologies" for the solution of problems of their two “peoples” instead of helping the war industries get rich. The threats and unhistorical attitudes of the Turkish leadership towards the West and especially against Greece would disappear.
No one doubts the benefits of a peaceful coexistence. But reality is far away ... Human history is full of wars. Their reasons: “profit and power”.  Once the reason used to be the provision of food-water, arable land and so on. Then, there were other interests:  profit-power-sovereignty.  
I think waking up to reality should actually happen by following the Latin saying “Si vis pacem, para bellum” (if you want peace, prepare for war). And here, I must emphasize this, Greece must continue to "equip militarily". Preparation is not just about acquiring weapons. Nation-states must embrace the need for peace among themselves and cultivate it through “proper education”. Greece must and can become a strong and robust economic and military power in the Balkans. It can achieve this based on the values ​​of Hellenism.
In a peaceful world, civilized nations would not have expansionist and aggressive strategies but would focus all their efforts on a better tomorrow for their societies. Everything would be invested in the Triangle of Knowledge (ToK): Education + research-innovation + entrepreneurship.
The advancement of knowledge at all levels is intertwined with the liberation of human from the ubiquitous presence of purpose. But human demands answers to the great questions that arise - what is the beginning and the end of everything? where did we come from and where are we going? - and so everything acquired a purpose together with their interpretation. So how will human be able to shape his morality, that is, an attitude of life towards others and nature? In a peaceful or warlike way?  NO NEED TO TELL YOU MY PERSONAL OPINION WHICH, I AM SURE, COINCIDES WITH YOURS! WE WANT OUR CHILDREN TO LIVE IN A PEACEFUL WORLD.  
Greece can play a leading role in achieving this coveted goal.

