The Psychological assumption-acceptance- premise of Debre is that the world without borders is the "valium" in a painful world, making you dream of whatever you want and avoid confronting it (the real problem). Something he did not avoid himself, when he joined the Latin American national liberation guerrilla.

Debre remains a radical, but he gets-digs to the root of things, as he confesses. So He praises the Borders for refuting the "stupid idea that charm the West: humanity that is not on the right track would do better if there were no borders". His radical assumptions do not come from a far-right nationalist, conservative utopia, but on the opposite, from a rather post-Marxist evolved- sophisticated thinking, a democratic and European thought. As an ontological search for the human substance, against the utopia of a human being, a flying dipole without land and boundaries.

Debre starts with a basic principle of human nature: "How do you put order in the chaos? Drawing a line. By distinguishing between 'inside' and 'outside', 'here' and 'there'. So the pile becomes whole - holon."

    To substantiate his point of view, Debre refers to foundations of human civilization: the Old Testament, the Iliad, the Aeneas, in the cosmology of religion and the history of cities and cultures. Thus, it defines the archetypal borderline genealogy, which is born alongside human civilization.

    As an honest scholar-scientist, he recognizes the "fundamental ambiguity" of borders: "loving and hateful", "wonderful and cursed". "Sealed by peace, trigger a war", "unite and split". However, they are hard to bear as they carry the ancient substance of the sanctuary, which is tangible and solid.Consequently, the essence of religious cosmology meets the cultural characteristics of every nation- people. Boundaries and those in the course of history, cross the world without making any noise. Borders as anthropological footprints, as points of separation, preservation and unity exist in all manifestations of human life all over the world and through the thousand years of civilization.

    Starting with the example of living beings' skin, he (Debre) describes that the frontier skin of living beings, this insulating layer, does not hinder, but regulates communication between inside and outside. By this logic, the borders of the world need to be visible and agreed upon, recognizable and not secret. Otherwise, where there are no borders, walls and fences will rise.

The wall hides the “Other”, while the border recognizes it, accepting its identity, otherwise it results in totalitarianism, zeroing and narcissism: "If there are no everlasting borders, there is always a last rear resort. ”Essentially the zero, the zeroing. Recognizing the border, we recognize the complexity, the diversity of the world (humanity). (Wanted or not it exists)

The opposite turns a space to a nonstop-endless crossing into a living space, increasing stress and existential vacuum. Behind the innocent neoliberal charm of 'No Borders' lies a world in which the strongest dominate.

The colonialism of the West is purified by the illusion of absolute freedom, but which results in 'apartheid-like regimes in the heart of the global village', establishing an absolute class society and exploitation of the people.

Attack on the individuality of every people-nation-country disrupts their places, their neighborhood, the community, I am 'out of it', through the activities of the user and the networked technological world. The positive of technology "does not mean, however, that we will inhabit this world as if it was a globalized-unique one."

The universality of a world without borders is false and characterizes the neoliberal postmodernity of our time. Moreover, as Debre says provocatively, our global supranational identity will only be formed if miracles occur . like.. aliens: "Against the alien from another galaxy, Humankind will be able to re-warm after it takes a human form and substance" to save its own oddity!

However nowadays, “the decline of our homelands and wars (…) has reinvigorated the need for collective pride and merging. We see it in the restoration of religion, "because its juices have not dried up" and are an economic way to "move" those who wander in their village without moving. "When they discover their ancestry, third-generation settlers become more intransigent than their grandparents were at home," says Debre, indirectly illuminating the jihadist wave. The mental folding of all kinds of beliefs signifies the fear of human been not to be "any", but, that is, "no one".

Moreover, the borders have also a class category sign: “… the shield of the humble. Clear and clear delineation is in the best interest of the poor. " "The predator hates the strongholds. In hunting it is particularly pleasing (...) the strong dominates the ether. Resistanceists, fighters for national liberation movements, "terrorists" - they have a companion in the basement, the burrow, not the sky.

They become one with the tunnel, “the underground stoa-galleries”. They oppose the unification of space in a frontier zone, where the supposedly humanitarian ideology of 'no boarders' rinses its crimes, provoking a 'counter-revolution with the cloak of revolution'.

The “ideology of no borders” is face-economics, technicalism, authoritarianism and imperialism. "The empire and the world have the same size," according to Ovid (or Ovidius a famous Roman poet), and its de-nationalized "sensitivity" hides the Mafia's supremacy over the state, the unicode humankind over human existence, and authoritarianism over democracy.

According to Debre, we need a morality of the frontier-border, as necessary as ever, capable of protecting human beings from "trapped in particularity and disintegrated into universalism".

translation P.G.
